Thursday, 14 April 2016

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LoRaONE: the development board Gadget


What is it?

The Gadget - LoRaONE is all you need to create your own IoT solution. An Arduino compatible board packed with features and sensors, making it the ideal solution for makers and creators that can’t wait to make the Internet of Things a reality. It is easy to program, connected to its surroundings through numerous sensors and ready to go. The board has the size of a matchbox, so it can be placed anywhere you can think of. But best of all, it is connected everywhere through LoRa technology. When it comes to building the IoT, there’s nothing like LoraONE.
For the past months, we've worked hard to get LoRaONE to the final stages of development. The first beta users are already working with LoRaONE. To make the final step and start mass-production, we need your help. If you back us, not only do you help us to get LoRaONE out in the world, but you'll also receive one yourself in July 2016. So this summer you can start building on your LoRaWAN connected IoT.

What’s inside?

This board is based on our successful Autonomo. It has a proven 32-bit Arduino-compatible platform that is currently the first choice of millions of programmers around the world. Not only is it versatile, it is also extremely small, measuring only 40 x 25 millimeters. One of the characteristics of ARM Cortex M0 based boards is that they can be programmed to run extremely energy efficient, which is essential for your next IoT-project.
But maybe even more essential is the connection. We chose LoRa as we fully believe this is where the Internet of Things will come to full bloom. LoRa networks are easy to set up, have extremely long range and are rapidly being rolled out around the world. It works both indoors and outdoors. LoraONE connects easily and safely with your local LoRaWAN network, making the IoT a reality.
We’ve include a GPS-antenna in the LoRaONE, so it can track its location precisely. But this is not just any GPS. To make it ideal for the IoT, we have chosen the state-of-the-art u-blox Eva GPS moduleWhy is it state-of-the-art? Because it can be made to use less power than any other GPS we looked at. After switching off, the module keeps the almanac in memory. So when switching on, it can get a fix in just a few seconds. This allows us, for instance, to get a GPS fix every 5 minutes at less than 1% of the power needed for constant positioning by regular GPS. We call this near-realtime tracking and it is essential for our rhino-tracking project, which you can read about below. 
Included on the tiny board is also an accelerometer, opening up a wide range of possibilities. If there’s movement, the LoRaONE will know and can act accordingly. You can even let the sensors cooperate. So the GPS can safely switch off, until it the device detects movement. This minimizes energy usage even more, and will also keep you up to date about what’s going on with your LoRaONE.
Want more? LoraONE has a magnetometer, so it is able to detect magnetic fields. There’s aMicroUSB connector, so it can connect to your computer straight out of the box. There’s 14 I/O pins, to connect other sensors or devices. All can be used for digital and 12 for analog It has a button and LED, making it perfect for that wearable you always wanted to create.
Still not enough? If you opt for the Starter Kit, you’ll get some really cool extras. The ONEbase extension board makes this device a creators dream. Simply click the gadget on the base and you can directly connect all sorts of Grove modules, just like with our previous projects Autonomo and Mbili boardsIt also comes with an 800mAh rechargeable LiPo battery. And if you really don’t want to worry about losing power, you can use the 500mW solar panel, also included in the package.

LoRaONE Tech specs

  • Microcontroller: ATSAMD21G18, 32-Bit ARM Cortex, M0+
  • Compatibility:  Arduino M0 Compatible 
  • Size:  40 x 25 mm 
  • Operating: Voltage 3.3V 
  • I/O Pins:  14, All can be used for digital, 12 for analog and 8 for PWM, plus UART, SPI and TWI (I2C) 
  • Analog Output Pin:  10-bit DAC 
  • External Interrupts: Available on all pins 
  • DC Current per I/O pin: 7 mA 
  • Flash Memory: 256 KB 
  • SRAM:  32KB
  • EEPROM: Up to 16KB by emulation
  • Clock Speed: 48 MHz 
  • Debug: Serial Wire Interface 
  • Power: 5V USB power and/or (optional) 3.7 LiPo battery 
  • Charging: 
  • Solar charge controller, up to 500mA charge current 
  • LoRa Microchip:  RN2483 or RN2903 Module (depending on your region) 
  • GPS: u-blox EVA 7M 
  • Accelerometer/Magneto: LSM303D 
  • USB: MicroUSB Port 


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